One of the major developmental tasks in infancy is the development of social att

One of the major developmental tasks in infancy is the development of social att

One of the major developmental tasks in infancy is the development of social attachments. This attachment is usually formed with the primary caregiver. Attachment is affected by what the baby and mother do and how they respond to each other.

Instructions: You will create a word document that addresses the listed requirements.

For each scenario listed below, given the different circumstances, what attachment style do you think will be formed with the mother and child? Why did you select this attachment style (What kinds of experiences will lead to this attachment style)? What support systems do you anticipate the woman will have? What obstacles will the child have to overcome as he/she faces the psychosocial crisis of trust vs mistrust? You are to discuss each of the scenarios in your paper.

Your document must be:
In APA format
Use complete and detailed sentences with few to no grammatical errors
Be at least one page in length
Have a title page and a reference page (total of 3 pages)
Utilize at least two academic references
1. Evelyn: Married, planned pregnancy, she and husband are both high powered attorneys hoping to become partners at the law firm, own their home, she sees her family physician regularly.
2. Susan: Single college student, planned to attend medical school, works part-time, does not have a good relationship with the father of the baby and does not know where he is, lives with her parents, no medical coverage.
Mary: Unhappily married in an abusive relationship, has 3 children, pregnancy unplanned, lives several hundred miles from other family members and has no close friends.