OTHER: Based on the professor comment: “Good start. What subject are you going t

OTHER: Based on the professor comment: “Good start. What subject are you going t

OTHER: Based on the professor comment: “Good start. What subject are you going to teach and how will you address your teaching principles through the class and content? Start there and revise”. the subject that I am going to teach is physically education, I was supposed to the papers on the subject that I am going to teach .
Comments from Customer
PREVIOUS PAPER INSTRUCTIONS (#563181076): • Students will write a 1 – 2 page educational philosophy. The paper should include the following:
• What beliefs and values a teacher holds regarding education, learning, and teaching
• What goals that teacher has for their students
• How that teacher uses readings, activities, discussions, assignments, etc. to help students meet those goals
• How that teacher evaluates and assesses student work
• How that teacher creates an inclusive teaching environment COMMENTS FROM PREVIOUS ORDER: Discipline: EducationPlease answer the questions in first person point of view as if i was talking about my own educational philosophy, i rephrased the questions below:
• Students will write a 1 – 2 page educational philosophy. The paper should include the following:
• What are my beliefs and values as a teacher holds regarding education, learning, and teaching
• What goals I have as a teacher for my students
• How as a teacher would I use readings, activities, discussions, assignments, etc. to help students meet those goals
• How as a teacher would I evaluate and assess student work
• How as a teacher would I create an inclusive teaching environment