Overview Sex Trafficking is a lucrative enterprise that enslaves countless wome

Sex Trafficking is a lucrative enterprise that enslaves countless wome

Sex Trafficking is a lucrative enterprise that enslaves countless women, men, girls, and boys in the international sex trade. In Africa, the sexual exploitation of Nigerian women has resulted in many women being bought and sold into sex slavery abroad in Europe, Russia, India, and other ‘destination’ hubs. As a result, Nigerian women have been subjected to some of the most inhumane forms of human depravity and inhumane treatment. Additionally, these women are ensnared in an endless cycle of sexual victimization that has long lasting scars.
Watch the YouTube video presentation, Sex Trafficking in Nigeria.

you will be required to explore this issue of sex trafficking and its implications on the survivors.
Particularly, you will be required to answer the following questions,
Explain how Nigerian women are trafficked from Africa into Europe and abroad. In doing so, discuss the significance of juju and the strategies used by traffickers and madams to force women and girls into sexual slavery. Use the video presentation to provide the appropriate timestamps of evidence taken from the video presentation.
Explain the argument advanced by the victim precipitation hypothesis, routine activities theory, and the lifestyle approach as it relates to victimization (WHAT DO THEY SAY ABOUT HOW SOMEONE BECOME A VICTIM?).
Apply TWO (2) of these theories to explain the victimization experiences of three (3) trafficking survivors (I.E.,USE BOTH THEORIES TO TALK ABOUT THE VICTIMIZATION OF THREE TRAFFICKING SURVIVORS).