Overview: Diversity education is one of the primary ways in which individuals an

Diversity education is one of the primary ways in which individuals an

Diversity education is one of the primary ways in which individuals and work teams can
increase diversity consciousness. In this assignment, students will conduct a needs
assessment of to discern diversity education approaches that will improve diversity
consciousness and culture within an organization.
Identify an organization to which you belong, previously worked, or otherwise familiar.
Reflecting back on Unit 5 and your role as an OD/Diversity Consultant, conduct a needs
assessment and based on your findings identify which Diversity education initiatives you
contend would enhance diversity consciousness for this organization’s employees.
Your textbook offers examples, but you are also encouraged to conduct additional
research to explore other options that may be a good approach based on your
organizational needs assessment. Fully support your presented recommendations.
Your prepared case paper will present a summary of your needs assessment, state
your recommendations for specific diversity education initiatives. Identify your expected
outcomes and why you expect those outcomes. How will you measure the
effectiveness of this diversity training?
Prepare an APA paper of at least 1,200 words of narrative, paragraph format that
comprehensively answers the posed questions. Make sure to include at least three
peer reviewed journal article sources to defend your contentions presented in your
© 2022 Post University, Waterbury, CT
paper. Your textbook may also be used, but does not count towards the research
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before
you write and again after you write