Overview In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the result

In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the result

In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the results, analyzing the data, and using the information gathered.
Your team has been given several data sets in order to analyze information and summarize the findings. These are in the form of simple return merchandise authorizations (RMAs). Your task is to write brief summaries that show the results of the analysis to present to the product manager, who may or may not have a technical background. This is why you should write the summaries for an audience of nontechnical stakeholders.
Write a detailed summary of your analysis of the items below. Prepare your summary for nontechnical stakeholders. Use the list below to guide the structure and organization of your report.
Write SQL commands that capture specific, usable data that can be used in your analysis.
Analyze the results of queries to identify specific information that can be presented in your summary.
Sales by region:Analyze sales data by state to determine where the company has the largest customer base.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products sold in the United States.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products sold in the southeastern region of the United States.
Southeastern states to include in your analysis: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
Returns by region:Analyze the data to determine the top three products returned in the United States.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products returned in the northwestern region of the United States.
Northwestern states to include in your analysis: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana
Write a report to the Quantigration product manager that explains your findings in a way nontechnical stakeholders can digest and use.
This report should include an effective summary of the analysis of the captured data.
Sales data by region: Provide a well-written summary of your analysis on Part A.
Returns data by region: Provide a well-written summary of your analysis of Part B.
What to Submit
Submit your report as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any references cited must be in APA format. Consult the Academic Support module in your course for more information on citations.