OverviewMilestone 3 represents a crucial stage in your Literature Review Project

OverviewMilestone 3 represents a crucial stage in your Literature Review Project

OverviewMilestone 3 represents a crucial stage in your Literature Review Project. You will build upon Milestone 2 by adding a Sentence Outline for the content to be used in your final paper. This outline will help demonstrate your understanding of the literature and how you plan to organize your final paper thematically. Each complete sentence in the outline should include a properly formatted parenthetical citation to an article in the reference list. Please be aware that this is not an annotated bibliography; the expectation is for a coherent, well-organized outline that incorporates insights from all your chosen sources.
Point ValueThis assignment is worth 50 points. Grading will be based on the effective implementation of corrections from Milestone 2 feedback, the quality and thematic organization of your Sentence Outline, and making sure that information from all cited sources is incorporated along with proper citations.
RequirementsModifications Based on Milestone 2 FeedbackTitle Page, Abstract & Reference List: Ensure that any feedback received on Milestone 2 has been appropriately addressed.
Sentence OutlineThematic Organization: Organize your outline thematically, not by source. Each theme should be a main point in your outline.
Use of Sources: Information from all 10 sources should be incorporated into the outline. The aim is to show a comprehensive understanding of the literature.
Clarity, Detail, and Citations: Each point in your outline should be a complete sentence, giving a snapshot of what that section of your final paper will discuss. Include properly formatted parenthetical citations for each sentence.