Part 1 Collaborate with your host teacher to select a concept that is being taug

Part 1 Collaborate with your host teacher to select a concept that is being taug

Part 1 Collaborate with your host teacher to select a concept that is being taught during math instruction and make arrangements to implement a lesson during the third week of your field experience. Design a game, implement it during a math lesson, and write a reflection paper that includes the points outlined in the directions below. Research or design a game that can be used with partners or with a small group of students. Some form of record keeping or writing should be included. Implement the game during a math lesson and then include the following information in a written reflection: Grade level State standard Learning objective Materials and preparation Game directions Assessment notes and observations of what occurred when students played the game Identify additional online game sites that could be used to create games for implementation in a virtual classroom. Submit the mathematical task and your assessment by Day 7 of Week 3. ————————————————————- Part 2 Reflect on the video lessons and host teacher science lessons you have observed. Consider which approaches were presented for inquiry-based learning and interdisciplinary learning? Think about which differentiation strategies meet the needs of all learners? Meet with your host teacher to design and implement a lesson based on an earth and space science topic and standard(s): This lesson should integrate technology, ELA, and history. It should be a whole group lesson, if possible. It does not need to occur during a specific block of science time. For example, it is common that teachers integrate science topics into ELA lessons. You and your host teacher should discuss the appropriate time for teaching your lesson. Use the Walden Lesson Plan template. When creating the lesson, consider the students’ interest, reading levels, and backgrounds as foundations for the lesson. Identify potential student misconceptions, ways to present multiple perspectives, and ways to elicit critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Select, at least, expository text to use with the lesson, and plan effective reading strategies to support all learners with this text. After teaching the lesson, candidates should reflect on the planning and implementation in the Reflection section of the Lesson Plan template.