*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agreement or in opposition: The criminal justice system has an ethical obligation to rehabilitate or treat offenders suffering from mental illness. *****PART 2**** Write a 300-word Journal response to the following prompt: Has your opinion about mental illness changed? Has it stayed the same? ****PART 3*** Submit a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper in which you: – Explain how to distinguish between mental illness and criminality, using examples from the case studies to illustrate the difference. – Explain how the criminal justice system has typically or “traditionally” addressed an offender who has committed a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate this approach. – Explain how the contemporary criminal justice system addresses an offender who commits a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate your response. For example, address the following issues: – How should the responding officer proceed? – How should this person be processed through the criminal justice system? – What are the appropriate charges, if any? – How should the judge at the arraignment hearing proceed? – In addition to using the case studies to help illustrate your responses, reference your Learning Resources to support your responses.