Part 1 (I’m making a video of me using a 10 frame and cube link for math for 3rd

Part 1 (I’m making a video of me using a 10 frame and cube link for math for 3rd

Part 1 (I’m making a video of me using a 10 frame and cube link for math for 3rd grade———-///// you will just write a brief one paragraph explanation on how the manipulatives enhance the lesson. ———————————————————————— Part2 Meet with your field-placement teacher to discuss elements of effective science lessons, including inquiry, technology, safety, and assessment. Plan a time that you will observe your Field Placement teacher instructing a science lesson. Observe your host teacher during a science lesson. (Be sure to either review your host teacher’s Lesson Plan or have a discussion about the lesson prior to observing.) Reflect on the lesson you observed from your host teacher, and view the video lesson on Ms. Ramos’s class. You may find it helpful to view the entire video first, and then go back to think about the questions for the Discussion. What evidence did you see in the video of Ms. Ramos’s and your host teacher’s lessons to support a claim that they were inquiry-based lessons? What types of formative assessments and summative assessments, did Ms. Ramos and your host teacher use? How did she use her assessments to guide her instruction? How did each teacher meet the needs of all the students, including students with disabilities? Consider integration, inquiry, assessment, and student engagement. Reflect on Ms. Ramos’s lesson. Rank each element from 1 (weakest element) to 4 (strongest element). Justify and support your response. Consider six essential elements of a good science plan explained on pages 50-61 in your Teaching Children Science text. Using the six elements as your guide, rate the lesson you viewed from your host teacher as highly effective, effective, or basic. Explain your rating with evidence (or lack of evidence) from the lesson. If you taught the lesson, what would you change to improve the lesson and why?