Patient Participation in Nursing Bedside Handover

Patient Participation in Nursing Bedside Handover

Assignment Task


The setting for the proposed change is a 30-bed adult medical ward in the Sandy Bay Hospital. There are 8 registered nurses based in the ward and 6 enrolled nurses. Experience of the nurses ranges from 1 to 30 years.

In the past, handover has occurred at a distance from the patients, thereby excluding them from the handover process, even though it is their care that is being discussed. This traditional manner of delivering handover typically also discouraged communication between the nursing staff. It tended to be a process of delivering information, rather than encouraging an informative discourse about the care provided and the care planned for forthcoming shifts.

This more traditional model of delivering handover also tends to be characterised by a focus on the biomedical model, thereby marginalising psychosocial and spiritual aspects of care. There tends to be a focus on nurses’ tasks rather than the needs of patients (O’Connell & Penney, 2001). As we have already noted, it also denies the patient the opportunity to participate in their own care planning.

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