Plagiarism or Ai will be detected via Turnitun . Primary data is not allowed .

Plagiarism or Ai will be detected via Turnitun .
Primary data is not allowed .

Plagiarism or Ai will be detected via Turnitun .
Primary data is not allowed . Only secondary data.
Reference Harvard style is mandatory
Table of content is mandatory
Layout shouleb be well organized

Chapter 1 (1500-2000 words)
Executive summary
No primary data has been collected.
What is the purpose of each sections going to be introduction.

Chapter 2
Lit. Review (3500 words)
Background of the idea we should explain the market gap (150 words)
Pestel ( start with launch place)(1000 words)
Porters 5 forces (750 words)
Competitors analysis Business canvas model combined for all competitors (paragraph for each competitors)(1000 words)
Swot ( conclusion of lit. Review) (1000 words)
Sw(competitors and Business canvas model combined for all competitors)
Ot ( going to be summary of pestel and porters 5 forces)
Chapter 3 (1500-2000 words ) (4)
Primary data
No primary data has been collected. We need to write it .
Explain what primary data we will collect in the future
What primary data you need to collect to start the business.
What methods we will use ( quantitative and qualitative)
What methods we will not use.
We can use onion model.
Secondary data
We need to talk about how did we find to data and key words ( business reports , annual reports) (quotes)
For key words create a table and put it.
Where did we get the information from?
Chapter 4 (2) 3500 words
business plan (strategy,marketing,hr plan, business canvas)
Strategy plan going to be first part
Marketing (stp and marketing mix 4ps)
Hr plan (Harvard model or find a model which is going to suits your project)
Business canvas
Business plan ➡️ strategy plan (will relate opportunities and weaknesses )
At the end division and vision
Chapter 5 (1.500 words) (3)
Recommendations and conclusions
We should do the financial feasibility one more year after it turn positive.
Financial (excel sheet we should
Gantt chart
Risk matrix analysis (5×5 chart)
it’s going to be last thing on chapter 5
identify 5-8 and highlight things can go wrong
Ask two questions what is the probability and impact
Risks can be for the launch and while running the business.