Please amend this file with one page page of speaker notes accurate to the slide

Please amend this file with one page page of speaker notes accurate to the slide

Please amend this file with one page page of speaker notes accurate to the slides. Recap the three major components of the criminal justice system. The table of contents for the primary text can be helpful here. Identify the single component that you believe has the greatest influence on the overall criminal justice system. Explain why you believe that this influence exists. Is this a positive or negative influence? Why or why not? What suggestions would you offer to improve the system? Produced work must be comprehendible by a fluent English speaker who is a college undergraduate. Produced work must be human-produced and must pass multiple plagiarism and AI detectors. Primary Text: Burke, A. S., Carter, D., Fedorek, B., Morey, T., Rutz-Burri, L., & Sanchez, S. (2021). Introduction to the American criminal justice system. Open Oregon Educational Resources. URL: