Please consult all documents. 6 slides (cover page is not included!!) Do not us

Please consult all documents. 6 slides (cover page is not included!!)
Do not us

Please consult all documents. 6 slides (cover page is not included!!)
Do not use AI please.
Do not use outside sources.
Chapter 4 and 10 from my class are supposed to help guide you since I need to use class terms and make connections.
please only write in bullet forms and try not to use HR jargon words because you are presenting to a CEO.
Here is the case study that I need to do:
Inspired by the Royal Bank exercise of class 4 and Incentive design class 10 please provide Mr. Cooney with a recommendation to track organizational performance and results adapted to Open Sesame always considering ways it might help address the structural problems identified in your first report:
• What are the important things to track and how do we measure them ?
• What are the specific indicators we can use to track results?
• What is the minimum expected level of attainment for these indicators? Can they be
grouped for ease of understanding?
• How are they to be used for bonus purposes?
• Who is eligible? How do we communicate?
Report format: This report is another opportunity to hone your executive presentation skills. Please prepare a Power Point Presentation. Imagine you are presenting to Mr. Cooney and the management committee and you have 10 minutes to do so. Your goal is the obtain approval on the scorecard, implementation and whatever funding you deem necessary. Try to anticipate what questions would the execs have?
Power Point presentation; up to 6 slides excluding cover page.
– there needs to be evidence for choices and or consultations with employees
– Indication of continuity from the first two assignments which are attached. It is a WORD document and a PDF. THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THESE ASSIGNMENTS AND THIS ONE ARE IN THE FOLDER “INSTRUCTIONS”.
– use of bullet points. ONE idea per bullet.
– Executive language. Level of language, minimum use of hR language versus business language
– Data collection strategy (including tools, templates, loss of points if collected directly) confirmation of reliability, accuracy, availability, confidentiality.