Please discuss the following scenarios: 1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and

Please discuss the following scenarios:
1. A patrol officer walks up to you and tells you his or her supervisor is sexually harassing him or her.
• What do you do?
• What internal measures should be taken?
• What are some external remedies?
2. If a citizen complained a patrolman had been sexually harassing them, what would you do same or different than the internal complaint?
3. Your female officer was sent by your agency to assist another agency in a mutual aid scenario. The female officer was blatantly discriminated against by two officers from the mutual aid requested agency, which interfered with her performance and completion of tasks.
As the officer’s manager what would be your actions regarding your officer and the other agency upon notification of the incident?
An investigation was completed by an outside agency and the discrimination actions against your female officer were founded. As Chief what obligations (if any) would you have regarding your female officer and what actions would you take to follow through with the findings?