Please make sure that you are following what the files says and do not plagarize

Please make sure that you are following what the files says and do not plagarize when using outside resources. Please make sure you site everything and you must use the files that I am providing in the essay as well please along with two outside resources.
Please write me a 1000 word essay using this prompt :
There is an old saying that states “The road to hell/evil is paved with good intentions”. How might this be true and/or untrue with regard to forms of Natural Evils? How does this compare with how we perceive Moral Evils?
Here is a link that are needed to be added in the essay :
As mentioned, please use everything that I have linked and put in the file below in the essay as well as finding two more outside resources and please make sure you cite everything. Also please make sure everything is cited in the Chicago Manual of Style with footnotes and bibliography (Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full note)).