Please upload your logic model (p. 17 of the CDC guidebook) and a brief summary

Please upload your logic model (p. 17 of the CDC guidebook) and a brief summary

Please upload your logic model (p. 17 of the CDC guidebook) and a brief summary of your proposed health care program here.
Make sure to read the assigned chapter and pay special attention to the content on logic models. Do not skip the lecture. There are questions throughout the slide deck to get you thinking about your final project for this class. Make sure that you respond to those questions in your notebook as you are going through the slides. Then, read the CDC guidebook on logic models: Print or duplicate page 17. This is the sheet you are going to complete and upload for this mini assignment.
Your task is to start thinking about your the health service program that you are going to propose in your final project for this class. You already started thinking about the health outcome that you want to change. This is one of your long-term outcomes. Now, you have to start thinking about the steps
Note: your program is not limited to heart disease and stroke. This is only the example in this guidebook. It is important that you are able to utilize these resources because this is a requirement for programs funded by the CDC and they are commonly used within healthcare organizations to propose and evaluate programs.
Please do your best. There are additional resources available to you if you need more help differentiating between inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes.


Please DO NOT miss the last part on the logic model sheet (p. 17 of the CDC guidebook) about assumptions and contextual factors. For your summary, make sure that you explain all of the components and why you put them where they are on your map. From your summary, I should understand exactly what your program is and what it will accomplish. Your summary should be no shorter than half of a page, single spaced, 12 point font