Please watch the following video: Before Completing this assignment, please wa

Please watch the following video:

Before Completing this assignment, please wa

Please watch the following video:

Before Completing this assignment, please watch the ABOVE video!
This assignment has two parts:
1. Nutritious Book-Can be in PowerPoint, google slides or newsletter form
2. Written Reflection-Two paragraph Reflection
Assignment Instructions:
Step 1: Choose an age group to focus on (newborns, toddlers, preschoolers, school age to 8 years old).
Step 2: Research those age groups, their development and their nutritious needs.
Step 3: Research popular entertaining children’s books such as: “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” “If you give a mouse a cookie,” “Green Eggs and Ham.” “There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.”
*These are just some suggestions, any book will do but it MUST be a children’s book.
Step 4: Now that you have chosen a story, choose a format: PowerPoint, google slides or newsletter template.
Now create your book: COMPLETELY change the words to the story to include nutritional facts for the age group you have chosen. You are to write this book as if you are going to read this book to the age group you have chosen.
*Please use information from your course lecture, book, and supplemental information for this assignment.
Change the TITLE as well and ADD pictures
Step 5: After transforming your children’s book, write a TWO paragraph reflection about the age group you have chosen, their development and their nutritional needs. You must include TWO sources as in text citations (one can be your textbook) a reference page is NOT NEEDED.