Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary El

Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary El

Please write me a paragraph using this informal outline that I made: Literary Element/Device: Imagery and Symbolism in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Topic Sentence (TS): Frost + imagery and symbolism + illuminate life choices
Analysis (Ana): Speaker’s decisions portrayed through vivid imagery and symbolism.
Literary Evidence (Lit Evi): “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (line 1)
Explanation (Exp): The image of a yellow wood symbolizes choices within an autumnal landscape, highlighting the symbolic nature of decision-making.
Ana: Speaker’s contemplation on the road less traveled depicted vividly through both imagery and symbolism.
Lit Evi: “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” (line 8)
Exp: The grassy road serves as a symbol of untrodden, unconventional paths, while its imagery evokes a sense of exploration.
Ana: “I doubted if I should ever come back” (line 14)
Lit Evi: Doubt and uncertainty portrayed through vivid mental images, adding a symbolic layer to the emotional struggle.
Exp: The imagery of doubt is symbolic of the internal conflicts associated with decision-making. (The file attached is my rough paragraph but please make some changes to it or get ideas from it, or just rewrite my whole draft, it can be any amount of words)