Plot the following temperature/pressure and dewpoint/pressure points. Then, connect the temperature points to create a temperature profile and connect the dewpoint points to create a dewpoint profile.

Plot the following temperature/pressure and dewpoint/pressure points. Then, connect the temperature points to create a temperature profile and connect the dewpoint points to create a dewpoint profile.

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Plot the following temperature/pressure and dewpoint/pressure points. Then, connect the temperature points to create a temperature profile and connect the dewpoint points to create a dewpoint profile. p = 1000 mb; T = 10*C; To = 5.C. p = 800 mb; T = 0’C; To = -10’c. p = 600 mb; T = -15’C; To = -30’C. p = 300 mb; T = -45.C; To = -70’C. 200 300 400 Pressure (mb) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Temperature (‘C