plz find the case 9.4 Performance measurement in a cooperative: context issues a

plz find the case 9.4 Performance measurement in a cooperative: context issues a

plz find the case 9.4 Performance measurement in a cooperative: context issues and challenges* by Dr Paul Thambar and Ms Wen Shi He in the book on page 321, plz find the key success factors in this case
(In this step you need to list the few key critical success factors that are important to the problem at hand. It is important here to focus on the success factors that are directly related to the issue being explored in the case.
In the example we have been using, XYZ Company is facing poor governance and an ineffectual Board of Directors. Therefore, we won’t list critical success factors such as, “Sales maximization”, “Increased employee training”, etc. Those are likely important factors for XYZ Company but have nothing to do with the problem at hand.
E.g. Relevant Key Success Factors
· Somebody, possibly Tony, needs to take a leadership role and improve the governance issue.
· The Board of Directors needs to find the initiative to improve, or step down, as appropriate.
· Susan needs to take a more active role in working with Tony to improve the situation.)
and Do quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of the community relationships in Appendix4!
(There likely isn’t a great deal of quantitative analysis to be done in this course. The majority of your issue analysis will be qualitative in nature. However, there will be times when performing quantitative analysis will be necessary. Some examples of potential quantitative analysis include:
· Trend Analysis
· Break Even Calculation
· Bonus Calculation
· Transfer Pricing
Quantitative Analysis Example:
Issue: Management is disgruntled as they don’t believe they will achieve their bonus this year given that Canada entered a recession which has impacted profits.
implication : current measures are commercial focused, can not recognize and capture unique value and impact HUV generates as a not-for-profit organization
Recommendation: using balanced scorecard to include both financial measures also …… (non-financial)
HUV’s objectives are to advance cooperative value, to
harness asset value and sustain growth, as well as to demonstrate proactive leadership in housing solutions.
Quant Analysis: The bonus is calculated as 25% of profit growth from the prior year only if profit has increased at least 10%.
Current Year’s Profit – Last Year’s Profit = $2,329,198 – 2,136,879 = 9%
Last Year’s Profit 2,136,879
Conclusion: Based on the current bonus structure, management would not be entitled to a bonus as profits only increased 9% vs. the required 10% minimum.
Qualitative Analysis
Example #1
Weakness: Under the current bonus plan management will not receive a bonus as they did not receive a 10% increase in profits. Many competitors lost money due to the recession but XYZ Company actually increased profits – just not enough to qualify for the bonus.
Implication: The next time factors outside of management’s control (such as a recession) impacts profits, management may not take strong action if they don’t feel their efforts will be recognized/rewarded. The next time there is a recession, for example, management may take a “big bath” to ensure a higher likelihood of receiving a bonus next year.
Recommendation: The Board/CEO should consider giving a discretionary bonus this year to thank/reward management for their excellent accomplishment of still achieving a 9% increase in profit when many competitors were losing money.
Example #2
Weakness: The Board of Directors only contains members that were once friends with Tony and thus is likely missing necessary expertise. For example we know nobody on the Board has accounting expertise.
Implication: The Board does not possess the necessary tools to do its job properly which means they likely be ineffectual and putting the company at risk.
Recommendation: The Board should do a self-assessment of what skills are needed on the Board and recruit new members as needed – even if those people are not previously known to Tony.)
you can do qualitative analysis from weakness/implications/recommendations and follow the book’s instruction: Provide a specific example of how your CME has delivered benefits for the community. follow the book’s instruction to do quantitative analysis.
if you can, plz write speech notes of this.