Presentation : take 5 specific indicators, find out what values there are and ho

Presentation :
take 5 specific indicators, find out what values there are and ho

Presentation :
take 5 specific indicators, find out what values there are and how it is recorded, discuss validity and usefulness, conclude on whether one can truly base policy on these indicators.
Present 10 minutes: what is our SDG and it supposed relevance, what are the 5 specific indicators we chose. For each of the 5: what are the values, how was it measured, how are they used, how easy are they to manipulate, can policy making be based on them
Report : answer the following questions:
How the first 5 indicators in that goal are actually measured: how
are they defined and who did the measurement?
Argue in what way these 5 indicators do or do not really measure the broad goal
(are they a good measure?).
Are any of these 5 used as KPIs for any particular specific
organisation or leader in Saudi Arabia? What are the rewards or punishments for
meeting/failing the KPIs?
Argue how an organisation/leader could ‘game’ these measures.
5. Is
there any country that truly uses these measures to reward or punish particular
makers or institutions (try to find out)? If so, detail them and what they do.
If not, argue the likely reasons for this not happening.
Taking the material of the course into consideration, give an overall
assessment of whether SDGs are of any real use in policy making in KSA, and if
so, how. If not, what is the whole publicity regarding SDGs about.
•The report to be handed in cannot be more
than 20 pages, font 11.
Some examples of obvious cheating:
•The use of references (x, 2020) that have
nothing to do with the paragraph or sentence involved. •Pretending to have done some interview
with an individual but showing no details that can be tracked and no influence
of that interview.