Project Implicit – IAT Class Discussion (3 of 9) All Sections 11 unread reply.11

Project Implicit – IAT Class Discussion (3 of 9)
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Project Implicit – IAT Class Discussion (3 of 9)
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Step1: Submit Your Initial Post
On the previous page, we learned about Project Implicit and their Implicit Association Tests (IATs). Here we’ll discuss whether an IAT (Implicit Association Test) is an observational study or an experiment. To submit your initial post, reply to this discussion and answer the question-to-be-investigated (see below). Be sure to briefly explain your answer. (Not sure how to reply to a discussion? See the Canvas Tutorials section at the bottom of this page.)
Question to be investigated: Is an IAT an experiment or an observational study? Explain.
Step 2: Reply to Two Classmates
After you submit your initial post, you will be able to see your classmates’ responses. Respond to at least two of your classmates and explain why you agree or disagree with their answers to the question, “Is an IAT an experiment or an observational study?”