Promoting Sexual Health and Wellness
Assignment Task
A. For this task you need to create a digital poster that could be used to promote sexual health and wellness in the context of the situation identified in your report (assessment task 2. The sexual health and wellness promotion initiative needs to take into consideration the literacy level and needs of your intended audience, to capture their attention in simple, clear words and pictures. On your poster, you need to communicate information that is supportive, non-judgmental, person-centred, and culturally safe.
B. For this task you need to use contemporary literature journal articles, reports, and policy documents to write (without an introduction or conclusion) justifying how your product could be used to enhance sexual health and wellness of the target population. In these paragraphs, discuss why this an important issue and justify your choice of key ‘take-home’ health promotion messages. In this task, you will provide clear evidence of critical thinking and consideration of the applicability and relevance of the poster to the target population.
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