Purpose: this link and discussion are used to give you a different way to intera

Purpose: this link and discussion are used to give you a different way to intera

Purpose: this link and discussion are used to give you a different way to interact with the cell membrane and learn about some of the key components. Task: access Bioman website link, play the plasma membrane game by clicking on “Start a New Game!”, complete all 5 challenges, answer questions provided below, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. What’s Needed: computer/device to play Bioman Cell Defense plasma membrane game, chapters 4 & 5 in textbook, notebook & pen/pencil to take notes. Assessment (10 points): all questions correctly answered in initial post (+5), response to at least two other peer posts (+2), initial post posted by Wednesday 11:59pm (+2), correct grammar and spelling used (+1). For this discussion, please access the link, complete all 5 challenges, and answer the following questions in your initial post: For each of the challenges, discuss what you found to be the most helpful or most interesting thing that you learned after completing them: 1. “Build a Membrane” challenge = 2. “Membrane Structure Challenge” = 3. “Diffusion Challenge” = 4. “Energy and Transport Challenge” = 5. “Osmosis Challenge” = https://biomanbio.com/HTML5GamesandLabs/Cellgames/celldefensehtml5page.html
Bioman Biology: Cell Defense the plasma game