Purpose The goal of this essay assignment is to explore literature by blending t

The goal of this essay assignment is to explore literature by blending t

The goal of this essay assignment is to explore literature by blending the writer’s own opinions and observations with quality research. In doing so, the writer will practice literary analysis and use literary criticism.
Writers may choose one of the following prompts for their essay:
1. Identify a character from The House on Mango Street. Using research, your own reasoning, and examples from the book, examine this character. Who are they? What significance do they have in the story? How do they grow or change over the course of the story? Are they symbolic or meaningful in some way? What conclusions, assumptions, or hot takes do you have about this character? Use research and examples from the book to support your analysis.
2. Choose an object or image from The House on Mango Street. Using research, your own reasoning, and examples from the book, examine this character. Where in the story do we encounter this object or image? Does it repeat? What is meaningful or symbolic about it? How, if at all, does this object/image impact the characters, especially the protagonist? Use research and examples from the book to support your analysis.
3. Choose one of the short stories we’ve discussed in class so far, and compare/contrast it with The House of Mango Street. You might consider characters, setting, themes, or other elements you find interesting between the two texts. Use research, your own reasoning, and examples from the texts to support your analysis.
This essay should be between 3-5 pages (double-spaced, size 12 font) in length. Writers may choose to use either MLA or APA, but must pick one and cannot blend the two.
Writers must use at least two outside sources, besides the texts they are exploring, for this essay. Scholarly sources are highly preferred. The JSTOR database (jstor.org) is recommended.
In-text citations and a bibliography page are required to adequately cite sources, within the chosen formatting style (MLA or APA). Rubric and Grading
The essay will be evaluated according to the following expectations.
The essay is well-organized, with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The thesis/focus is clear, and it is obvious which of the three prompts were used.
Ideas flow clearly and logically, and the reader can easily follow the writer’s train of thought.Critical Thinking
The essay explores ideas in detail, without merely skimming the surface.
The writing anticipates and answers any questions the reader may have.
The writer shows a curiosity mindset, asking questions and engaging with possible answers.Research
The essay uses at least two sources of research, in addition to the text(s) being analyzed.
Sources are accurately documented and cited, according to APA or MLA formatting.
Sources are of a high quality, as appropriate for the topic.Mechanics and Formatting
The essay is generally free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
There are no errors in MLA or APA formatting
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