Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the attached textbook Module 1 Case Study Emma, a tale

Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the attached textbook
Module 1 Case Study
Emma, a tale

Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the attached textbook
Module 1 Case Study
Emma, a talented graphic designer, decided to build her personal brand on social media. She created a unique Instagram account showcasing her creative designs, sharing her design process, and providing valuable awareness into the world of graphic design. Emma aimed to establish a strong personal brand with the objective of differentiation – setting herself apart from other designers and coherence – ensuring that her online persona aligned with her expertise and style. Over time, Emma successfully gained a significant following and recognition in her niche. However, she faced the challenge of audience understanding – she wasn’t sure if her audience truly comprehended her design philosophy and how it differed from others. Additionally, she struggled with the objective of memorability – she wanted her followers to remember her distinct style and seek her services when they needed design work.
How can Emma enhance her audience’s understanding of social media to ensure her followers grasp her unique design philosophy and differentiate her from competitors?
What strategies can Emma employ to improve the memorability of her personal brand, making sure her followers remember her distinct style and seek her services when they require graphic design work?