Read sources and answer the following questions. Each question response should b

Read sources and answer the following questions. Each question response should b

Read sources and answer the following questions. Each question response should be at least 6-8 detailed sentences. Only sources to use are Fritjof Capra on Physics & Oneness, AND my video Prof. Donna Quesada – On Postmodernism, Deconstruction & Eastern Wisdom. Don’t forget to state if using information from the text. Meditation CDs:
* All CD downloads are also on other platforms
Part A: Answer the following questions, based on the article and video provided in this section.
1.In your own words, what is deconstruction?
2.What does deconstruction have in common with eastern holism?
3.According to Fritjof Capra, what is the goal of eastern mysticism?
4.In what way are the findings of quantum theory similar to eastern mysticism?
Part B: Meditate with the guided meditations as linked and answer the following question:
1. Meditate: Choose a track on your guided meditation CDs (linked avove), and meditate. Say which track you chose, and share your experience, in a couple of sentences or a paragraph.