Read the article using your chosen model of note taking (from Unit 2). Using the

Read the article using your chosen model of note taking (from Unit 2).
Using the

Read the article using your chosen model of note taking (from Unit 2).
Using the identified article, provide the following information:
A title page in APA format
A 1-2 page summary-includes the APA reference for the article chosen.
An abstract for the article
A Thesis/Claim statement
Identify 2 additional articles (1 must be from the Herzing Library Database) that could be used to support the Thesis/Claim statement included in the summary.
Provide the APA reference for each article.
Set up the assignment as follows:
I. Title Page
II. 1-2 page Summary
III. Abstract
IV. Thesis Claim Statement
V. Article reference
Use the article starting with ” Engaging” as my chosen article, and use the article starting with “Establishing” as my Herzing reference article. Also use another article from another source for my my reference so I can have at least two different references. Thanks