Readings Pages 48–59 Rhythm and Balance, Graphic Design The New Basics Week 3 L

Pages 48–59 Rhythm and Balance, Graphic Design The New Basics
Week 3 L

Pages 48–59 Rhythm and Balance, Graphic Design The New Basics
Week 3 Learning Objectives
The assignment was for YOU to draw the images – not find them online. That is plagiarism. Please do your own work.
Also, no need for the paper format. We are not writing papers. Just post your work as per the instructions.
So for 3.1 you need to create 4 examples of balance and 4 examples of rhythm – all with the cut paper squares as described in the Week 3 video. There is no drawing for 3.1 – just the examples made with the 1 inch paper squares.
1. Describe the elements and principles of design in print and web examples.
2. Demonstrate the application of the elements and principles of design in various media.
3. Apply critical thinking to issues associated with graphic design in assessing solutions.
Assignment 3.1Assignment 3.1
Rhythm and Balance.
Cut a bunch of 1×1 inch squares out of black paper.
Cut an 8×8 inch white paper to use as a background.
Explore balance and rhythm by coming up with different arrangements of the 1 inch squares on the white paper.
Week 3 Video
Posted on: Sunday, March 24, 2024 4:00:00 AM CDT
Hello everyone! Welcome to Week 3. Here’s your exciting and information packed video for this week: Week 3 Video
We are looking at rhythm and balance this week. Good stuff.
Let me know if you have any questions or need anything.
Have a really good week!

Photograph your favorite four examples of balance and your favorite four examples of rhythm along with why you feel they are good examples of each (total of 8). Be sure each image is labeled. Post your work to the discussion board.
Academic Dishonesty is covered in the Syllabus, Part 3. It states. “Penalties for academic dishonesty may include a warning, a reduction in grade, a grade of “F” for the work in question or, with Dean approval, a grade of “F” for the course. In addition, any student engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action including reprimand, short-term suspension, long–term suspension, and/or expulsion according to the policies and procedures of the University.” According to this statement, I would have been in my rights to fail you for the course. That seems rather harsh for a first instance. I choose to give you a zero for the assignment. It is up to the faculty member to determine what actions to take.

You may not use any copyrighted images or text. Period. This includes any work you have created in a previous course, including the same course.
If you are unsure about copyright infringement, ask your professor or contact the Bellevue University library. Here’s an overview: Copyright & Plagiarism 101
Please reference the Bellevue University Student Handbook for plagiarism consequences.