Redesigning Your World: Reimagining the Future Through a Disability Lens This as

Redesigning Your World: Reimagining the Future Through a Disability Lens
This as

Redesigning Your World: Reimagining the Future Through a Disability Lens
This assignment challenges you to reflect on your past while also making recommendations for the future of disability inclusion. You will be critically analyzing existing mindsets, policies, structures, systems, and environments with an open mind. As you navigate through the prompts below you might find yourself getting stuck and quickly assuming that your major or career field is fully inclusive, accessible, etc. Consider that there is always room for growth.
Assignment Requirements:
You can decide how you want to present your work for this assignment. We are modeling the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to allow you the freedom and flexibility to present this assignment in a way that works best for you. To receive total points, you must address/answer all of the questions listed below in some way and follow the rubric. If you choose an artistic format, you must address the questions (within your video recording, write-up, audio description, etc). There are many ways to complete this assignment some examples include: Essay
Adobe Spark Song
Part 1: Reflect on Your Past (1) Share your Disability Experience. Before taking this course what was your experience with disability conversations related to disability history, models of disability, ableism, access, and life quality? What narratives shaped your perceptions about the disability experience? (Consider cultural and societal influences and/or the models of disability you were most exposed to).
Part 2: Analyzing the Present (7)
What is your major or field of interest? Explain the nature of the work you hope to do when you graduate.
What is the narrative around disability within your major of field of interest in general? How is/ is not disability welcomed, included, or represented? Share one article, video, or academic research link to support what you’ve discovered about the disability narrative in your major or field of interest. Does it align with your assessment of the narrative? Identify the impact of ableism: Analyze how current systems, structures, and practices within your major or field perpetuate ableism and create barriers for individuals with disabilities. Consider physical and social barriers, implicit biases, and discriminatory attitudes.
Evaluate life quality: Critically assess the impact of existing structures within your major or field of interest (policies, work-life balance, opportunities, accommodations, stigmas/biases, etc) on the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Consider factors like independence, participation, opportunities, and emotional well-being.
Part 3 Reimagining the Future (2) An ideal world: What 3 solutions can you envision that would improve disability representation within your major or field? Focus on innovative and creative approaches that challenge current norms and consider the sustainability and long-term challenges of implementing these solutions. Absent (0%)
Al-Level (500/4=) F
Good (80%) = B
Great (100%) = A
Thesis, ideas, analysis
There is no focus on the assignment.
The assignment is focused on a single idea.
The assignment is interesting and includes at least one original perspective
The assignment is original and there are compelling ideas throughout.
Information (30%)
Almost no detailed
information to support
responses. Some information may be missing, unrelated, or vague.
Supporting information for all prompts, but it is not strong or complete.
A variety of personalized, strong, concrete, and appropriate information with support for every claim.
There is little or no organization of the content.
There is an organized framework but some parts need to be focused and/or moved.
Each part of the assignment is included but it not clearly identified, or information is inconsistent with the label.
Each part is focused and in the proper order. Each part is clearly identified, and the information is consistent with the label. Language
Frequent and serious
grammatical mistakes make meaning unclear. Does not follow disability-related language standards.
Writing is clear, but sentence structures are simple or repetitive, or inconsistent with disability-related language standards.
The language is clear with complex sentences and varied structure. Most of the assignment follows disability-related language standards.
Language choices and sentence structure enhance the meaning and focus of the paper and follow respectful disability-related language standards.
Style Voice
No sense of either the writer or audience.
Writing is general, with little sense of the writer’s voice or passion.
The assignment addresses the audience appropriately and is engaging with a strong sense of voice.
There is a keen sense of the author’s voice and the assignment conveys passion.