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Nurse-children with chronic mental illness.
In my hometown there was a pediatric neurologist who had in his office a poem dedicated to the parents of children with chronic or special diseases, he told them that a special child had a special father, and I believe that it is completely true, they require skills and strengths, which many have to earn it on the path of raising their child, In this week that this interesting topic is discussed, the main learning goal for this week’s discussion will be to examine how nursing models and theories impact research and practice. I wish to challenge the clinical application of the social support theory in clinical practice throughout this discussion, particularly about parents of children with long-term mental problems. Psychologists, specialists, social workers, and nurses with clinical training around needs would typically work together to ensure that the kid and parents had an appropriate treatment plan.
When a kid has a chronic mental illness, parents and other caretakers must overcome many emotional and physical obstacles. Receiving social help from qualified healthcare professionals, like nurses, is crucial for overcoming these challenges because they provide resources, evidence-based solutions, and knowledge that is successful by scientific study.
Morris et al. in 2023, state that healthcare workers are trained to understand and have empathy for the special needs and challenges that children with long-term mental health issues encounter. Therefore, nursing professionals are in the ideal position to offer these people’s parents and other caregivers tailored counseling and medical support to make sure they are not overtaken by negative emotions while raising these kids, which could result in despair and anxiety. In a similar vein, these parents cherish the community’s social support system as well as that of their family and friends.
However, assistance from experts like nurses provides parents of kids with long-term mental illness with specialized knowledge and individualized guidance. Insights into their child’s condition, practical coping mechanisms, and connections to relevant resources and services are all provided by nurses to parents. For example, nurses can advise parents about the signs and difficulties linked to their child’s mental health illness, offer them helpful coping mechanisms for challenging circumstances, and make recommendations to local resources or therapy programs. By providing this specific support, parents feel more empowered and confident in their ability to care for their kids, as they are better able to comprehend and meet the distinctive demands associated with their child’s mental health issues. They also provide psychological and emotional assistance to help parents deal with the difficulties they face.
Brooks, H., Devereux-Fitzgerald, A., Richmond, L., Bee, P., Lovell, K., Caton, N., Cherry, M. G., Edwards, B. M., Downs, J., Bush, L., Vassilev, I., Young, B., & Rogers, A. (2022). Assessing the effectiveness of social network interventions for adults with a diagnosis of mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of impact. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(5), 910–920. 
Morris, S. S., Price, A., McKenzie, V., & Kemp, L. (2023). “You do need to do the interaction”: Mothers’ perceptions of responsive parenting following a home‐based parenting intervention. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44(3), 425-435.