Required textbook:  Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A

 Required textbook:  Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A

 Required textbook:  Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A.A. (2021), Public Health Management of Disasters (5th edition), American Public Health Association. ISBN 9780875533216.  
Read Chapter 15 and Appendix BB.
If you have not already, please watch the video from the Overview, and read the article I posted in an announcement on February 11, “New development: Digital social care—the ‘high-tech and low-touch’ transformation in public services.” Since we have been incorporating AI throughout our term, what are the ethical implications of the use of AI in public health preparedness and disaster response? Be sure to use the video, text, and the article in your initial post, and you may incorporate the research that you have been doing for your final project.  post a 500-word reply to this question 
Required weekly videos to view: