Requirements: Using the information from Chapter 3, use one or two quotes (and o

Requirements: Using the information from Chapter 3, use one or two quotes (and o

Requirements: Using the information from Chapter 3, use one or two quotes (and other summarization/paraphrasing as needed) Properly introduce, cite and explain–especially when using quotations. Remember to help lead your reader to your conclusions instead of assuming they will also reach the same conclusions as you. Min. 2 full pages (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font) in MLA or APA with appropriately formatted reference page. Some notes: Similar to the Week 4 essay, be careful not to include more than a couple of sentences of summary from each article before diving into your analysis and discussion. Since you’re using two articles, make sure you’re clear about which one you’re referencing each time–but still, no need to go back and fully reintroduce each one. In-text citations will be important here, and I’d like to see a reference page. I do ask you to use 1 or 2 quotes in this essay to practice our TSIS skills. This essay is the last short response before we begin discussing our research paper, so I’m asking you to really showcase the skills we’ve discussed so far: creating solid sentence structures, avoiding vague “there is/are” statements, and using active verbs as often as possible along with your “conversation with sources” techniques. OUTLINE OF A STRONG ESSAY: Introduction Paragraph Interesting hook (if you want one) Short summaries (1-2 sentences) of each article, noting the author’s names and article titles. Article titles should not be used in the essays after this point. Thesis that uses both articles and shows specific, direct comparison and/or contrast Body Paragraphs (2-4 pghs) Topic sentence – not a quote from an article. Tell me what the paragraph as a whole will do. 5-6 sentences that include direct quotes or paraphrases from BOTH articles. Each paragraph should reference both articles and make a direct comparison or contrast in how the author talks and/or what they say and/or why they say it. Conclusion 3-4 sentences saying why this is important or who should care about it. This is the only place in the essay that you can use first person (I, we, my). You should still not use second person here (you, yours), since we will never use that in an essay.