research and read at least two job description for project management. Next fin

research and read at least two job description for project management.
Next fin

research and read at least two job description for project management. Next find a current real job posting for a project manager in any type of industry. Save or link to the description for reference.
Research and read 2 project manager careers from mynextmove.orgLinks to an external site. or from another job database website. Save or link to the description for reference.
Submit your findings to Canvas. Consider the following points.
Job Description and Duties
Certifications/Education Requirements
Skills and Abilities hybrid approach
Technology Knowledge
Professional Associations
Overall career outlook
Use a word processing program and briefly summarize your findings. Also, list all your resources in an Appendix titled “Works Cited” including your textbook. Upload the assignment as your last name_WK1 PM Summary.To receive full credit for this assignment, your submission must address all items listed above and must be at least 500 words in length. This is a minimum length for your response to the above items, if more length is needed to properly address all items, your submission will need to be longer. Your submission for this assignment must be in a word processing program (preferably Microsoft Word). Your writing must be in MLA format, proper English, and grammar usage to receive full credit.