Respond to two colleagues: Share your thoughts on the current event. Provi

Respond to two colleagues:
Share your thoughts on the current event.

Respond to two colleagues:
Share your thoughts on the current event.
Provide at least one evidence-based practice or intervention that could inform your colleague’s approach with this population.
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
1 JA- 
What due process? 
In Mississippi, a judge is overturning a capital murder case involving a black male who has already completed 19 years in prison. A tragic murder occurred at a gas station when a group of young males went into a store, and the clerk was fatally shot three times. The individual in question admitted to being a part of this crime and admitted to shooting three rounds into the ground as his friend shot the clerk. The judge is overturning this case because the prosecuting attorney and the judge discriminated against this young man at the time. It is said that the man’s attorney was not able to argue against discrimination due to the prosecutor not allowing people of color on the jury panel. The original pool of individuals was 61 white and 35 black folks. They ended up selecting just one black individual and the rest white. The judge did not allow his attorney to protest the jury selection. The judge is giving the state six months to retry the case; if they do not, they will release him. He currently sits on death row. 
Power and privilege have played a vital role in our courts and jails. Throughout the history of the US, racial and socioeconomic disparities have been prevalent, leading to unequal treatment and outcomes for marginalized communities. Privilege, such as access to quality legal representation, can impact the outcomes of cases. In order to create any change would require actively listening to experiences, concerns, and needs and engaging with this population to collaborate with them to promote practical change by advocating for policy reforms and promoting education and awareness. 
Social workers must always remember that our goal is to provide specific services to specific people, not to group everyone along with their experiences (Marsiglia et al., 2021). Therefore, it is imperative that I, as a social worker, tend to an individual’s needs and unique experiences from diverse backgrounds and tailor their interventions accordingly. This may involve collaboration from interpreters or cultural brokers to help understand cultural practices and traditions. 
I would take the strengths-based approach. I understand that systemic racism has been an issue for some time. However, with evolving technology and the advancement of social platforms, it has never been easier to get the word out and expose discrimination within powerful groups or networks. Therefore, by ensuring that the client’s culture and spiritual beliefs and practices are addressed and incorporated within the treatment plan, we are empowering the client by creating a nonbiased and inclusive environment, all while allowing the client to use his background as a sense of strength (Marsiglia et al., 2021).
2 LAN- 
How the event connects to race or ethnicity, and to your current understanding of power, privilege, and oppression ?
A current event that I found related to race and ethnicity was an African American student who was suspended from school due to his hair style choice. According to the US News article published December 13, 2023, “George was first pulled from his classroom in August after school officials said his locs fell below his eyebrows and ear lobes and violated the district’s dress code”.  Based on the article I believe this is connected to race or ethnicity. George, due to his hair style choice, was removed from the school on several occasions. The school district actions may stem from cultural insensitivity towards hairstyle worn by the African American community.  The power dynamic in this example involves identifying the authority and control by the school district. Also, acknowledging that privilege that comes with conforming to dominate cultural standards, and the oppression faced by those who are punished for expressing their cultural identity though their appearance. People of color must deal with experiences that many white families do not face, such as educational and employment discrimination. In addition, they must help their children understand and cope with racism and its negative effects on self-image (Kirst-Ashman, 2015).  
How you, as a social worker, would approach the population affected. How would you provide culturally competent practice? 
As a social worker, providing culturally competent practice is essential when working with diverse populations. A culturally responsive social worker include recognizing one’s own cultural limitations and appreciating cultural differences (Kirst-Ashman, 2015). As a social worker I would avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes and be open to learning from the individuals I service. Also considering the potential impact of historical and intergenerational trauma on the population. Approaching clients with sensitivity to their unique histories and experiences and incorporate trauma-informed practices into my interventions. 
How your approach aligns with and illuminates your personal statement on anti-racist social work practice?
I believe that my approach aligns with my personal statement on anti-racist social work practice. My commitment to cultural humility aligns with the recognition that understanding diverse cultural backgrounds is an ongoing process. It emphasizes the importance of humility, self-reflection, and openness to learning. Also, my approach shows the commitment and my understanding that addressing racism requires self-education. My approach also shows my commitment to being sure that my interventions with clients are based on the challenges faced by each client.