Review the five steps and prepare a PowerPoint following those steps.You may cho

Review the five steps and prepare a PowerPoint following those steps.You may cho

Review the five steps and prepare a PowerPoint following those steps.You may choose one of these topics:
Your Favorite Book
Your Favorite Movie
Your Favorite Country
Step 1: Research and Preparation
Consider the audience that you will be speaking to, and make sure that the tone and
information is appropriate for that audience. Try to put yourself in their shoes, and
think about what you want the outcome of your speech to be (e.g., to get people to
go vegan or to adopt an animal instead of buying one).
Learn as much information as possible about the issue that your talk is about.
Step 2: Writing Your Speech
Before you begin writing, make a list of two to five main points that you want to
present. Write out each point in one or two sentences.
Your speech will be most effective if you plan your opening and closing statements
and key transitions down to the last word. Organize the speech logically with a
beginning, a middle, and an end. In other words, tell your audience what you’re
going to tell them, tell them it, and then summarize what you’ve told them.
Here are some other quick tips: Open with an attention-getting fact, a rhetorical
question (making sure that you know what the answer is), a quotation (to support
your message), or a relevant anecdote.
Keep a positive tone and attitude.
Keep it short. Your speech should take less than 20 minutes.
Tell the audience what the problem is, what your proposed solution is, and what
actions they can take to help.
Plan a snappy conclusion that summarizes your main points.
Finish with a strong and motivating appeal for action. Inspire your audience!
Step 3: Practicing
You should know your speech well enough to speak naturally during your
presentation and glance only occasionally at your notes. Here are some tips for
practicing: Practice your speech at least three times, and practice in front of a friend
for feedback.
Pace yourself. Your audience will want to hear what you have to say, so speak
Gestures, movement, and eye contact can add to your impact, but make sure that
they’re natural and relevant.
Try not to speak from a podium. It’s a barrier between you and your audience. Put
your notes on it, and then try to walk around.
Step 4: Putting Together Visual Aids
Visual aids are an important aspect of your speech and will help make unfamiliar
and challenging material more accessible for your audience. PowerPoint
presentations, photos, charts, and videos can all help you get your point across.
Keep the following in mind: Visual aids should be simple and colorful, but remember
that red and green are difficult to read from a distance.
Keep text to a minimum—otherwise your audience won’t know whether to read or to
listen to you.
A few effective slides or charts can help your audience understand your message,
but too many will distract them.
Videos are a powerful way to get your point across. Visit PETA’s YouTube page for
some options.
Step 5: Handling the Q&A
A well-handled question-and-answer session can strengthen your credibility,
demonstrate your knowledge, and give you a chance to clarify and expand on your
Make a list of possible questions that people might have about the material that you
are presenting, and prepare answers to those questions.
Check out PETA’s frequently asked questions for a list of common questions and
If someone is being aggressive or antagonistic, simply say, “I’d be happy to talk with
you about this in greater depth afterward, but I have limited time and need to
address additional questions.” Don’t let anyone take control of the presentation.
Now that you know how to prepare a speech, it’s time to get started. Where will you
give your first public presentation?