Rewrite the provided paper. Below are 4 key things that need changed. 1. Making

Rewrite the provided paper. Below are 4 key things that need changed.
1. Making

Rewrite the provided paper. Below are 4 key things that need changed.
1. Making my topic sentences stronger in the body paragraphs. They could be more clear or reworded to make a more smooth flow.
2. rewriting the conclusion to truly wrap up the paper and provide that “so what”
3. Add more context around the citations and add additional sources.
4. Rewrite the introduction to be more clear. Adding a stronger more prominent.
5. Add two more sources and integrate them in.
I have provided 6 sources in the attached paper.
Instructions: First, the essay must be complete. This means it meets all the requirements of the assignment in terms of word count, sources, and format. It should have an introduction, several body paragraphs, a conclusion, and references. The body paragraphs should attend to the many needs your reader might have when engaging in this topic, such as defining terms and concepts, supporting your thesis, presenting and interpreting trends and statistics, and addressing opposing views.
The essay must be 1500-1750 words, which is approximately 6-7 pages in length, and 8+ credible academic sources are required.
Second, it is expected that the essay is POLISHED. This means that your essay is in proper APA format, including a title. It has been revised several times. It is the strongest version of the draft that you can submit at this state. It is also proofread and does not contain distracting word-level, punctuation, and grammar errors. The citations are properly formatted, both in-text and in the Reference section of the essay. The ideas are effectively organized and you guide the reader from one idea to the next in your best attempt to support your thesis.