say that this course were 8 weeks and we had great time and it was very interest

say that this course were 8 weeks and we had great time and it was very interest

say that this course were 8 weeks and we had great time and it was very interesting to learn in this class and talk about how good professor was. say that I liked the most the reading parts of this class and discussions parts. Prompt: Looking back at your experience with this course over the past semester, what was its significance for you? Consider the following three elements of the course in formulating your answer: Assigned texts Weekly activities/discussions/lessons Formal assignments (essays) A successful response will: Attempt to show the ways in which certain elements of the course impacted your analytical, critical thinking, and communication (especially writing) skills Focus on your subjective experience with the course: how did it impact YOU? Be specific, referring to specific texts, assignments, and activities that were meaningful to you and discussing how they contributed to your experience with the course Be organized as an academic essay, complete with an introduction (including a thesis statement), multiple well-organized body paragraphs (at least 2) providing elaboration on your thesis, and a conclusion Keep in mind that there is no “right” answer to this question. Instead, your response will reflect what YOU got out of the course, which may be something entirely different from everybody else. You should be able to develop your answer, however, with references to course content such as readings, assignments, and activities. NOTE: This is not a course evaluation (you have, I think, already had an opportunity to do those). Avoid using language that is too explicit in praising or criticizing the course or the instructor. Keep the focus on yourself. OF COURSE, if you want to offer me any constructive criticism, you are more than welcome to email me. I am always anxious to hear from my students about how I can improve! Requirements Length: 500 Words Follow conventions of MLA format Minimum of 4 paragraphs (introduction, 2 body paragraphs, conclusion) NO CITATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS ESSAY Grading Successful essays will demonstrate a serious, thoughtful engagement with the course. There is no formal grading rubric for these since they are intended to be personal and largely subjective. However, your effort and care will be reflected in the specificity of your response.