step 1) Read the powerpoint slides or watch this YouTube video that’s also an ex

step 1) Read the powerpoint slides or watch this YouTube video that’s also an ex

step 1) Read the powerpoint slides or watch this YouTube video that’s also an explanation of the slides
step 2) then select a research article that uses animal models as test subjects to complete the assignment:
make sure to Choose a news article discussing animal welfare ethics or find a research article that uses animals to discuss the possible sampling bias. Here is some helpful information on sampling bias:
step 3) After you find your research article, there is a student handout 5.2 that you will use.
you are going to follow the same style of of H5.2 include the following:
a. answers to questions on the H5.2 handout
b.include a discussion on the animals used
c. possible sampling bias, from the link
d. anything else noteworthy.
e. suggest ways that scientists can use the 3 R’s of research to conduct research with animal ethics in mind. (The three R’s are ways to Replace, Reduce, and Refine the usage of certain animals in studies.)
Note :Not all materials are easily discussed like H5.2 but you should still make an effort to discuss the various ethical implications of the article.
– Make sure it is not AI generated and no plagiarism should be detected. Don’t forget to include your citation!