Story Section: Our intramural soccer team consists of 15 members, however only 1

Story Section: Our intramural soccer team consists of 15 members, however only 1

Story Section: Our intramural soccer team consists of 15 members, however only 11 may play at
a time. The problem is deciding who gets to play. The agents are the players and the
captain/manager. The resources are the positions on the field. Players have preferences based on
their willingness to participate and skill level. Currently, playing time decisions are dependent on
a combination of skill and relationship with the captain, which some team members feel is unfair.
The Proposal and Presentation requirements are attached with their requirements. Also, attached is my past proposal where I honestly did not really know what I was doing, just a quick draft. I was looking for a draft that was much more detailed and I provided class notes that give helpful information as to what’s to be included. My professor really likes detail and being super specific with Axioms and Mechanisms that are used. He did not ask for references, but only to use the information, such as the axioms and mechanisms that are from the class notes. With the presentation, I was just looking for an extra page(s) that hits all the points from the “presentations” pdf that are required, so a detailed skeleton. If you need any more information please let me know. The story can be changed if it is easier for you or the scenario. Lastly, the screenshot attached is my professor’s feedback on the proposal. Thanks.