Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the “
Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the “Development” issues covered in class. This assignment is an individual submission. The selected book must
NOT be a textbook.
Guidelines for Book Review:
A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.
The review should consider (you use as your outline):
The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
The background of the author(s)
The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished
The context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for
research, policy, practice, or theory
A comparison with other works on this subject
Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book
The front page of your review should include:
Your first and last name
Your student id
Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)
Title of book
Year of publication
Place of publication
Number of pages
Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available