Task summary: You are to do a mini onboarding presentation about the scenario pr

Task summary: You are to do a mini onboarding presentation about the scenario pr

Task summary: You are to do a mini onboarding presentation about the scenario provided. Please make the PPT look professional. 9 slides with 100 speaker notes for each slide, at least 4 academic sources. Follow the attached prompts for the slides.
Full order description: Dear Freelancer, please create a presentation
? MAIN DETAILS: You are the HR Specialist at a start-up organization that is growing rapidly. The organization delivers information technology strategies to companies across different industry sectors around the country. This means that your company is an IT consultant that assesses and audits current hardware, software, processes, compliance, etc. and offers recommendations of how to to improve current functionality, as well as planning for the future. You will give the company its name.
? ATTACHED: Instructions and slide prompts
Requirements: 9 slides with 100 speaker notes each