TEMPLATE – PAPER TOPIC DECLARATION: M3 Db Section 1: SPSS Dataset [Identify yo

Section 1: SPSS Dataset
[Identify your specific SPSS dataset (not Pew reports) by title and provide the Pew weblink to your actual dataset HERE – NOTE: all students must choose a dataset for their papers from Pew located here]
Section 2: Research Topic
[Explicitly and clearly state your research topic HERE]
Section 3: Introduction and Potential APSA Reference
[Provide 2-3 sentences to introduce your topic to the reader of your paper HERE]
Section 3a: 15-page peer-reviewed APSA Reference
[Provide the first potential peer-reviewed 15-page APSA reference HERE]
Section 4: Survey Questions and SPSS Frequencies
[Copy and paste the three survey questions SPSS frequencies tables HERE]
Section 5: Expected Findings
[Specifically and concisely explain what you expect the main finding(s) about your 3 variables to be in your paper HERE]
Section 6: Word Count
Word count = [report number of words HERE]
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