The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communicate details about the Hayward Fault.
While you are absolutely allowed to write a standard academic report
Content : Among other things that you can explore are : how the fault moves and its tectonic context, how we can see evidence of the fault on the surface, the size of earthquakes it is capable of producing, some potential consequences of such an event, how the fault interacts with or influences structures on campus, …
The field trip stops provide ample opportunity to discuss those and explain that the stops are manifestations or consequences of the fault being nearby.
If submitting a standard report : The limit is 800 words. (The max limit is 850, anything beyond that won’t be taken into account.)
Grading: You will be graded dominantly on factual accuracy, not the quality of your art. We are looking for knowledge and critical comprehension.
Note: keep the words between 700-750. No more than that and no less than that. Cite the sources that you use. Also, DON’T USE CHAT GPT OR PLAGIARIZE THE CONTENT. Don’t use coursehero or any other homework site as well. I already have answers from them. I need original work. It will be run through turn itin and must be original.