The Project will be a website (multiple pages with good navigation) that include

The Project will be a website (multiple pages with good navigation) that include

The Project will be a website (multiple pages with good navigation) that includes the access to and the ability to update an SQL database. You should be able to: Use login procedures Register for the site Add records to at least two tables Search the database using at least two criteria Update the database, including changing and deleting records from at least two tables Create a page with the result of joining multiple tables The database should include a minimum of four related tables, connected by foreign keys, that include a variety of data types. Minimally, there will be text, numeric, and date or time. All tables will have primary keys, and at least one table will have a key that is an auto-incremented field. Every project must contain documentation. It can be a word document, or any text document. You must explain the MySQL file structure, and each page in the website. For each page, you must document the data elements (variables), and any logic and/or calculation that you use. Potential projects are: A forum about a topic, and including subtopics A social site, including images and comments An auction site, including images, products and bids Any other PRE-APPROVED site