The purpose of this assignment is develop your environmental data collection, as

The purpose of this assignment is develop your environmental data collection, as

The purpose of this assignment is develop your environmental data collection, assimilation and presentation skills.
Now that we have covered the various air pollution contaminants your assignment is to collect air pollution data for one parameter (i.e. PM10, SO2, NOx, CO, etc) for your neighborhood, city or country. Present either a temporal or spatial graph (no cut/paste graphs permitted). For example, find the latest SO2 data for Spain and either produce a chart of SO2 levels by Year (temporal representation) OR SO2 levels by Cities in Spain. The graph must be well labeled and original, meaning enter the raw data into Excel and produce a bar or line graph. Paste the graph into Brightspace as a jpeg (not Excel file).
Hint: In the US, the US EPA is the best data source.
Try this website for current data:
In New York State, try the Department of Environmental Conservation’s site.
Globally, you can search WHO, World Bank, UN, European Environment Agency or country specific regulators.