The report MUST be word processed and formatted with 1.5 line spacing and margin

The report MUST be word processed and formatted with 1.5 line spacing and margin

The report MUST be word processed and formatted with 1.5 line spacing and margins of 2.5cm all around the main text which should be Arial (12pt). All pages must be numbered. The report must have a title page which includes my name, the year, the title of my project, my tutor’s name and a word count carried out in Microsoft Word. The target length for the report is 5,000 words excluding the title page, the list of references and text in figures. All other supporting material (including text in tables and table and figure legends) must be included in the word limit. A 10% leeway in word count will be applied and so reports of up to 5,500 words are acceptable. Whilst there is no lower limit, reports which are substantially shorter than 5,000 words may not score highly with regards to “Addressing the topic”.
The format required is Vancouver System Please check the additional materials uploaded for the instructions on how to write the literature review and please follow all of the instructions exactly how they are written. It should be 5000 word literature review on the topic ‘The pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease’. I have uploaded an example to give you an idea of the format. Please make sure not to use any AI System of writing since all the work submitted will be checked for plagiarism and AI System of writing. The literature review paper should be my original work as stated in the instructions I uploaded.