This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being,

This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being,

This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being, including physical, mental, and social dimensions. This holistic approach aims to promote self-awareness and guide you toward healthier lifestyles.
Complete the Wellness Check-In Questionnaire. Please reflect on your current habits and experiences in each dimension and answer the questions honestly.
Write your own individual reflection. 1.) Set one or two realistic and achievable wellness goals based on your reflections and group discussions. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 2.) Create a simple action plan outlining the steps you will take to achieve your wellness goals. 3.) Identify potential obstacles and strategies for overcoming them. 4.) Consider how this wellness assessment has influenced your perspective on your overall well-being and what steps you can take to make positive changes.