This assignment is to help students propose and make a plan to complete the Caps

This assignment is to help students propose and make a plan to complete the Caps

This assignment is to help students propose and make a plan to complete the Capstone project as
the semester progresses. Students must submit their research proposal during the fourth week of the
course. The research proposal should contain a summary of information on the organization/policy,
issue, problem or topic to be addressed; potential research question(s); a specific plan for answering
that question(s), an outline of your final paper (describing the various sections of the paper,
including all of the components listed in the Final Capstone Paper section), and a timeline for
completion of each component (aligned with the due dates for large components of the final paper).
The research proposal should be approximately 2-3 double-spaced pages (12-point font and one-
inch margins). The outline of your final paper does not count toward the page limit.