This is the final assignment for on of the classes this semester in master progr

This is the final assignment for on of the classes this semester in master progr

This is the final assignment for on of the classes this semester in master program for dental hygiene, so please follow the instructions carefully, and read through all the files that I attached. I have the idea of the project, and did set some outlines for it during the semester. There is a file attached called logic model and budget, use this in the paper as a reference and in case you need to attach the table because the paper should have quantitative data. The project talk about addressing xerostomia among seniors aged 65+ at nursing home named Casa De Manana located in San Diego / California, my program will be providing dental mobile van that comes to the nursing home twice a month for a whole year, supplied with dental stuff and products, accompanied by at least 2 dentists, 2 assistants, and 2 RDHAP, they will provide services to the seniors regarding dental screenings, looking for any dental issues, xerostomia (the professor said focus on other oral health issues related to xerostomia, like periodontal disease and caries) they will perform dental cleaning, and some simple dental procedure, provide products according to the needs, and referring seniors to dental specialists according to needs. Use enough references, and preferably use zotero for references, and cite every sentence. It is like a proposal to this project. here is some of the outlines that I formed during the semester for this project with the professor please read through them carefully: Week 1: Topic area: Dry mouth (Xerostomia)
Population of interest: Seniors (age 65+) population
Xerostomia is a condition that characterized by having chronic dry mouth, when the salivary glands cannot make enough saliva to lubricate the mouth (Mayo Clinic). This condition is most common among elderly, who are 65 and older, and this is due to different reasons. One of the most common is medication, or some diseases that lead to reduce fluid production in the body (Mayo Clinic). Xerostomia is responsible for a lot of dental related issues that can impact the eating, speaking, and the overall quality of life of population (Mayo Clinic). Planning usually begins by assessing the problem, and finding of the trigger event (Issel & Wells, 2018). Before determining which of the 5-tiers pyramids fits my population, I would like to know the best way to access those population (Issel & Wells, 2018). The best way is by clinical setting, or nursing homes (National Library of Medicine [NIH]). According to that, the best fit to my topic and population will be the clinical intervention, and the counseling and education (Issel & Wells, 2018). Week 2: For my grant project this semester, I would like to apply the light on seniors (age 65+), discussing a major oral health issue of xerostomia (dry mouth). According to the US census, the number of population that are 65+ will reach to 98 million by 2060, which represent 24% of the whole population in the United States (CDC). Oral health is a very crucial part of the overall well-being of my population due to increase in the factors that lead to developing oral diseases, and reduce the oral home care motivation. Seniors’ population are hugely subjected to oral health disparities. One of the most common disparities between elderly is the limited access to the dental care, which lead to increase in untreated caries, and increase the chance of having periodontal disease (CDC). Several programs can be developed to address the oral health of seniors. One of the most important that is developed by CDC is to provide better access to dental care, which is done by either solving the transportation issue for the handicap, or by providing RDHAP for the nursing homes (CDC). Week 3: My population are seniors that are 65+ years old. Their need for oral health care is best expressed through normative needs, and this is because their lack, and inconvenient oral health care demand is mainly expressed by their oral health care providers based on scientific evidence of clinical diagnosis (Issel & Wells, 2018). The best planning approach for my elderly population in regarding the dry mouth is to apply the communication action approach (Issel & Wells, 2018). This can be done by sharing the scientific evidence with the clients, and hearing their comfortableness with solutions based on their datum and science, which helps with the decision-making process (Issel & Wells, 2018). Marketing assessment seems to be a suitable choice for assessing the needs of seniors because it targets their needs and assets directly, and also help to understand what are the other programs and marketing that offer help for the assigned problem (Issel & Wells, 2018).
Regarding my population issue, primary data seems to be more convenient in assessing the health needs due to it’s direct contact with the targeted population (Issel & Wells, 2018). However, it might seems to be little expensive, but it could be done through the online survey programming to be more affordable, and easier for the population (Issel & Wells, 2018). Week 4: Program title is : Seniors Xerostomia Management Comprehensive Program in San Diego
Program theory: the program is based on multifactorial approach, including oral health education, behavior changes, and community engagement, which will help seniors managing xerostomia, and reducing its’ consequences. This will be done by targeting individual habits, enhancing community support, and consolidate into routine healthcare system. Levels of intervention: Individual level
Community level
The visual model will be illustrated with individuals mainly, community support, and healthcare integration. The program will work because, based on individual frame, will provide seniors with knowledge to control xerostomia (Issel & Wells, 2018). Speaking about community, it will provide supportive environment for seniors to maintain their oral health and control the xerostomia consequences. Regarding the healthcare system, the program will help integrating xerostomia assessment into the oral healthcare routine. Goal: Provide seniors in San Diego nursing homes with xerostomia assessments test.
Objective: By December 31, 2025, 80% of seniors in nursing homes will be assessed with the pretense of xerostomia (CDC)
Goal 1: increase seniors knowledge about xerostomia, it’s causes, and management practices. Objectives: By December 31, 2025, 60% of seniors will attend the oral health educational seminars, that will demonstrate 40% improvement in knowledge regarding xerostomia causes and control (CDC)
Goal 2: Foster community support for senior oral health
Objectives: By July 30, 2025, an online oral healthcare support community for seniors will be established, fulfilling 200 active participants (CDC)
Week 6:
Evaluation plan is crucial to measure the interests of various stakeholders, and ensure alignment with program goals and objectives. Stakeholders measures: Nursing home administrators: measuring the reduction in the cost associated with the oral health of the residents, and improvement of their overall health and quality of life. Healthcare providers (dentists, RDHAPs): increase the awareness of oral health issues, treat their oral issues, and improve their oral hygiene. Funding agencies: measure the outcomes to know the effectiveness of the program. The residents: reduction in the oral health issues, and xerostomia, satisfaction with the dental services overall. Measuring objectives: Objective 1 (increase the seniors awareness of the oral health issues): post-intervention survey to assess their knowledge about the oral health. Objective 2 (improve the seniors oral hygiene): perform plaque index measurement, and measure the frequency of dental cleaning.
Objective 3 (identify and treat the oral health issues): measure the numbers of screened seniors, and the incidence of the oral issues detected. Evaluation plan: Use of data collection method (post-intervention survey).
Assessing dental records by measuring the numbers of screened seniors, seniors that perform dental cleaning, and provided treatment, and check the numbers of seniors who referred to the dental services. Something important that need to be considered is the evaluation frequency. Semi-annual evaluation seems to be reasonable for the oral healthcare programs. However, the long-term outcomes could be challenging, because it require longer follow-up periods and to capture any changes in the residents’ behaviors in regarding their oral hygiene. Week 7: In order to perform an evaluation to measure the effectiveness of addressing oral health issues and xerostomia intervention that target seniors 65+, several data needs to be collected to measure various aspects of the program outcomes. These are the data that I would like to measure, and what it need to be measured in my program: Number of seniors that are being screened to measure the accessibility and engagement of the program.
Number of dental cleaning performed to measure the preventive dental services that is provided by the RDHAPs, and the seniors that received the oral health maintenance. Number of seniors received treatment for specific dental issues by the provided dentist to measure the program efficacy and the most common dental health issues among seniors. Type and number of the dental referrals given to the seniors to assess the program ability to identify the dental issues.
Finally, I would like to measure the program quality by providing seniors with satisfaction survey to measure the oral health improvement, and the follow-up evaluation. In addition, a long term outcomes evaluation can be performed after one year of the program intervention to measure the reduction of the oral health care issues, improvement of the oral hygiene, and the overall quality of life. Utilizing this combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection can effectively evaluate the impact on addressing the oral health needs of seniors, and making informed decisions for future improvement and sustainability (Issel & Wells, 2018).